Cyberjaya SEGAMBUT Tuition provided by Home Tuition Care Malaysia ::CHESS

We provide home tuition for any level, subject and area.
Below is the profile for one of our tutor.

Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 9588  
Age : 40  
: Male  
: Chinese  
Staying Location : SEGAMBUT , Malaysia
Marital Status : Single
Transportation : Yes
Qualification and Experience
University/College/Institution : MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY CYBERJAYA
Current Occupation * : Ex- Teacher   Undergraduate  
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : Chinese   English   Malay   
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * BM   English   Mathematics    Science  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * BM   English   Mathematics   Science   Geography   History   UEC Syllabus  
Form 4-5 (SPM) * BM   English   Mathematics   Science   Additional Mathematics   Physics   Chemistry   Biology   UEC Syllabus  
Non-Academic Subjects * Guitar   Adult English   Basic IT   Drawing  
Additional Subjects CHESS
Available Tuition Time
Monday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)  
Tuesday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Wednesday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Thursday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Friday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Saturday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Sunday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Travel Area
Kepong Ehsan – FRIM   Rawang   Selayang   Batu Caves   Kepong,Manjalara   Jinjang,Segambut   Sentul, Jln Ipoh   Setapak   WangsaMaju   KL CITY   Cyberjaya  
"Rise to the Occasion"
Self Description
            I am a self-motivated person who trusts in hard work and sheer determination. What matters to me is not to study for countless hours and memorize everything in the syllabus. Likewise, I feel that we should study not only for the sake of obtaining good grades in exams but to sought as much knowledge as possible. Many would think that studying excessively would harvest the best outcomes, but by doing so, we are actually neglecting our time to establish ourselves in other fields of knowledge. Hence, time management and the right method of studying is un. This said, I am not objecting to hard work, in fact I encourage it. However, the main objective of education is to better us for our career undertakings where knowledge in vast aspects gives us the upperhand in many a situations. Thus, the will to progressively learn and improve ourselves plays a major role in a students' life. There has been a popular saying among students, "Study Smart but not hard". In my opinion, this phrase is very true, the human brain works best for thinking and not memorizing or repetitive chores. The most effective method is to understand something, thus by doing so, we would be able to apply our knowledge may the situations related be hard or easy.
Proven Track Record
            In only a week of intensive lessons, Eugene Wong has obtained 1A and 6Bs in PMR from where he only managed to pass 4 subjects during his PMR trial.
           1996: UPSR 4As 1999: PMR 7As 2001: SPM 6As 3Bs 2003: STPM CGPA 3.0
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