Adult Mandarin Tuition Lesson Malaysia by Home Tuition Care at Malaysia Melaka::

We provide home tuition for any level, subject and area.
Below is the profile for one of our tutor.

Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 40974  
Age : 32  
: Female  
: Chinese  
Staying Location : Melaka, Malaysia
Marital Status : Single
Transportation : No
Qualification and Experience
: Bachelor of Social Science(Hons) Psychology
University/College/Institution : Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak Campus
Course : Bachelor of Social Science(Hons) Psychology
Current Occupation * : Ex- Teacher  
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Secondary School Teacher
Tuition Center Teacher
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : Chinese  
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * BM   Mathematics    Science   Chinese  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * Mathematics   Science  
Additional Subjects Adult Mandarin
Available Tuition Time
Tuesday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Wednesday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Thursday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)  Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Friday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Travel Area
"Learn happily"
Self Description
            Good day.I am an ex school counselor who worked in an Chinese independent school.Currently ,I am pursuing Master of Counselling in Open University Malaysia. For me, I think learning should be a happy. In the one year time while I taught in school, I felt happy and enjoy when I designing the course. I love to use various kinds of teaching materials to support my teaching. I enjoy teaching and happy seeing my students happy too. As a Psychology graduate,I understand the importance of psychological well-being of my students. I will try very best to assist my students to achieve academically at a low stress environment.Besides, I believe every child have the equal opportunity to learn.Hence, I would like to assist children who face learning difficulties. I believe my bachelor degree and a short experience to deal with children who need special care equipped me with the knowledges I need.
Proven Track Record
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