Ms words , Ms Excel and Power point ( Basic) Tuition Lesson Malaysia by Home Tuition Care at Malaysia Johor::

We provide home tuition for any level, subject and area.
Below is the profile for one of our tutor.

Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 8330  
Age : 46  
: Female  
: Indian  
Staying Location : Johor, Malaysia
Marital Status : Married
Transportation : Yes
Qualification and Experience
: Diploma
University/College/Institution : Institute Technology Midas
Course : Computer Science
Current Occupation * : Kindergarten Teacher  
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
tadika kerisku
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : Malay   
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * BM   English  
Additional Subjects Ms words , Ms Excel and Power point ( Basic)
Available Tuition Time
Friday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Saturday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Travel Area
"Merentung buluh biar dari rebungnya !"
Self Description
            Good morning to all , I am Kala. Previously working as a kindergarden teacher .My method of teaching is simple and easy to understand. When speaking or writing a story in Bahasa melayu , we must proper pronounce the malay words , usage of grammer and proper join word to write a sentence. Penggunaan bahasa amat berguna dalam pertuturan harian kita . Untuk itu kita harus pandai menggunakan , kata nama ,tatabahasa dan penggunaan kata sambung yang betul untuk membina ayat ataupun menulis karangan .Sebelum itu kita harus memahami apa maksud satu perkataan sebelum kita manggunakannya di dalam ayat atau karangan yang hendak kita tulis . Kita juga harus bijak memilih kata sambung yang tepat untuk membina ayat supaya ayat kita kita tergantung tanpa membawa maksud yang betul . Penggunaan bahasa harus di ajar sejak dari darjah satu supaya lagi cepat murid - murid menguasai bahasa melayu dengan bijak .
Proven Track Record
           I graduate with second class upper diploma in Computer studies , and now i am doing my Safety officer course at National Institute of safety and health in Johor Bahru
Is this tutor suitable for you?
If this tutor is suitable, please contact us to request for this tuition teacher.
If this tutor is not suitable, please contact us and we will search a suitable tutor for you.