Home Tuition Care - Home Tuition for Any Levels, Subjects, Areas in Malaysia
Home Tuition at   Kangar provided by Home Tuition Care.
We provide home tuition for any level, subject and area. Below is the profile for one of our tutor.
Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 20476  
Age : 40  
: Male  
: Malay  
Staying Location : Kangar , Malaysia
Marital Status : Single
Transportation : Yes
Qualification and Experience
: Bachelor of Science (Hons.)
University/College/Institution : University Putra Malaysia
Course : Biology
Current Occupation * : Full Time tutor  
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Full Time Tutor
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : Malay   
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * Mathematics    Science  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * Mathematics   Science  
Form 4-5 (SPM) * Science   Biology  
Available Tuition Time
Monday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)  
Tuesday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Wednesday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Thursday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Saturday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Travel Area
Self Description Memiliki rekod pendidikan yang cemerlang sejak sekolah rendah sehingga ke universiti terutamanya dalam subjek Sains dan Matematik. Mempunyai minat yang amat mendalam dalam bidang pendidikan. Berpengalaman sebagai personal tutor tidak kurang dari 5 tahun dan pernah berkhidmat sebagai guru kontrak di MRSM. Memastikan sistem pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih berkesan dengan mengaplikasikan teknik pengajaran secara holistik termasuk pendekatan secara psikologi, pembentukan akhlak dan sahsiah, mengenalpasti permasalahan pelajar, serta penggunaan teknologi multimedia. Penekanan terhadap teknik menjawab soalan dan latih tubi secara intensif. -------------------------------------------------- Have a strong educational background since primary school up to university, especially in Science and Mathematics. Have a deep interest in education. Experience as a personal tutor not less than 5 years and was a contract teacher at MRSM. Ensure that teaching and learning process will be more effective by applying the techniques in a holistic approach, including psychological approach, moral and personality development, identify the student's problem, as well as the use of multimedia technology. Emphasis on techniques on how answer questions, together with intensive drills.
Proven Track Record
Slogan Effective learning is the core of success
If this tutor is suitable, please contact us to request for this tuition teacher.
If this tutor is not suitable, please contact us and we will search a suitable tutor for you.