Home Tuition Care - Home Tuition for Any Levels, Subjects, Areas in Malaysia
Home Tuition at   Bandar Ampang provided by Home Tuition Care.
We provide home tuition for any level, subject and area. Below is the profile for one of our tutor.
Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 8054  
Age : 43  
: Female  
: Others  
Staying Location : Bandar Ampang , Malaysia
Marital Status : Single
Transportation : Yes
Qualification and Experience
University/College/Institution : Kemayan ATC
Course : Law
Current Occupation * : Part-Time Tutor. Full time job:Student
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
Part-Time Tutor
home tuition
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : English  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * English  
Form 4-5 (SPM) * English  
STPM *   
O Level/ IGCSE * English  
A Level/ Pre-University * English   Law  
Non-Academic Subjects * Adult English  
Available Tuition Time
Monday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Tuesday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Wednesday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Thursday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm) 
Friday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Travel Area
WangsaMaju   KL CITY   Setiawangsa   Ampang  
Self Description I am a part time Law student,I have been teaching tuition for the past 6 years,from secondary students,subjects of English, Bahasa Malaysia and English Lit. I also teach adult English especially students from the International school as well as adults who want private tuition. I teach independently,mostly on working with exercise books rather than the textbook for i believe students need to explore on independent general information from the media as well as higher education and self success books. I also have my own workbook that i have been using for all these years which has proved tremendous success and i assure the parents that i will be a very dedicated tutor and be their money's worth.
Proven Track Record
Slogan It is not enough to Aim, you must hit your Target.
If this tutor is suitable, please contact us to request for this tuition teacher.
If this tutor is not suitable, please contact us and we will search a suitable tutor for you.