Home Tuition Care - Home Tuition for Any Levels, Subjects, Areas in Malaysia
University Malaysia Kelantan Teacher Providing Home Tuition at Kota Bharu:: Basic Graphic (ai, and photoshop)
We arrange home tuition for any level, subject and area.
Below is one of our registered tutor's profile.

Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 5574  
Age : 41  
: Male  
: Malay  
Staying Location : Kota Bharu
Marital Status : Single
Transportation : Yes
Qualification and Experience
: PhD (2008-2011)
University/College/Institution : University of Otago, New Zealand
Course : Food Science
Current Occupation * : Lecturer    Part-Time Tutor. Full time job:Student
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
University Malaysia Kelantan
Part-Time Tutor
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : English   Malay   
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * English   Mathematics    Science  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * English   Mathematics   Science  
Form 4-5 (SPM) * English  
STPM *   
Additional Subjects Basic Graphic (ai, and photoshop)
Available Tuition Time
Monday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)  
Tuesday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Wednesday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Thursday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Friday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Saturday * : Morning (8am-2pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Sunday * : Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Travel Area
Self Description i wont consider myself a native speaker of english, but i finish english education from year one till year 6 in Birmingham. came back to malaysia and had less than 5 month to prepare for my upsr. not to boast but i did my english 1 hour paper in 10-15 min, always getting above 90. i wont go in details into grammer, but will strenghten students capability and understanding of the english languge, stressing on continues reading and writing assignments. in mathematics i didnt inherit my fathers gene (prof in math), but i did excelent for simple math understanding. informally assisat my sibblings in their math, and looking at the many method so children loves math...
Proven Track Record i havent had formal teaching posts, i wont promise an A or As, but i'll help out to train students competency with regards to my own experience.
Achievement i graduated in Biotechnolgy from UIAM/IIUM gombak n nov 2006. was an engineer,but due to love for continous education, im now doing my PhD. national exams.. upsr (5 month preparation, and without eposure to exams), A in english and Math. B an C in BM. PMR: As in BI,MATH, BM, SCIENCE, PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, Bs IN GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY AN KH SPM OPEN: A:MATH B:HISTORY, BM, BIO,CHEM,PEND ISLAM C:,FIZIK,ACCOUNTING, ENGLISH (DONT KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG, TOUGH I WAS THE BEST STUEDENT IN THE SUBJECT FOR FORM 5)
Slogan dont memorize, but understand
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